Online auction

Whether for a silent auction during an event or for a virtual auction, la plateforme d’ online auction MyCause will increase the profits of your fundraising campaign.

Eclipse has entirely designed this platform of Online auction which allows users to bid from anywhere. It works with a smartphone as well as a tablet or a computer.

You are organizing a fundraising event and would like to increase your profits? Better yet, you would like to offer added value and a distinctive service to your guests? It's possible with the MyCause online auction platform. This tool allows participants to bid online in a simple and efficient way.

Online auction

The advantages of our auction platform

Organizations choose this turnkey system for its simplicity. From the preparation to the conclusion of the auction, everything is planned for a simple, efficient and secure process.

In addition, the results prove that it is a great way to increase your event's revenue. The auction platform promotes participant engagement, in addition to the possibility of having one of your partners sponsor this service. In fact, the tool is designed to give visibility to a company.

Thanks to the real-time display on screen and on mobile, you will be able to keep the interest of your auction throughout the evening. A great way to stimulate bids.

MyCause is recognized by philanthropic organizations and participants are familiar with

Proven reliability, user-friendly, safe and bilingual

Fixed fees with no surprises, no percentage nor commissions

Easy registration process

Increased number of bids with SMS alerts and visual notifications

Payment of items directly into your bank account

Personalized support with the integration of your digital auction site

Compatible with Facebook and LinkedIn publications

YouTube or Vimeo video integration

Complete reports and web visibility statistics with Google analytics

The service MyCause in numbers


The Eclipse interactive auction service

By choosing the interactive auction MyCause, you will benefit from a personalized support and a professional and transparent service.

In addition, we have set up a fixed pricing system to avoid unpleasant surprises. In practical terms, this means that we do not keep any percentage of sales. Whether you raise $1000 or $100,000, 100% of the sales of your items will go to your organization.

Increase your revenue by over 30% compared to paper auctions.

Turnkey service with specialist, Wi-Fi, iPad, computers

Increased participation, people do not have to move to bid

Opening of the auction before the event to create excitement

Involvement and training of your volunteers

Use the Mon Accueil platform to optimize and speed up the check-in of your guests on their arrival (with supplements)

They trusted us

Eclipse has several major events to its credit and the company has several renowned clients. Over the years, we have demonstrated our reliability and provided outstanding service for all these events.

Our personalized and transparent approach has enabled us to develop a long-lasting relationship of trust with our customers.

Martine Desjardins, Coordonnatrice des dons, Fondation Bon Départ (Canadian Tire)

“Eclipse's customer service is impeccable. The availability of the team greatly contributed to the success of our auctions. We are very proud of the results, and this performance would not have been possible without the Eclipse platform and support. Thank you, a thousand times, for your advice and your presence which allowed everything to run like clockwork! It is always a pleasure to work with Eclipse.”

Martine Desjardins, Donations Coordinator, Jumpstart Foundation (Canadian Tire)
Jean-Philippe Paul, Coordonnateur des activités de collecte de fonds, Fondation de la faune du Québec

“Following technological advances, security and adaptability issues of the various web platforms, which are constantly evolving, the Fondation de la faune du Québec has decided to migrate to the Eclipse auction solution in 2020.
We particularly appreciate the efficiency and simplicity of the Eclipse auction platform. This allows us to focus on finding items to auction rather than managing a web platform. It is easy to navigate, register and bet. In addition, the multiple features, including integration with Logylis software, undoubtedly make it the online auction platform par excellence.
Thank you to the Eclipse team who are always attentive to our needs and support us during our fundraising activities.”

Jean-Philippe Paul, Fundraising activities coordinator, Fondation de la faune du Québec
Chantal Raymond, Directrice du Financement, Fondation Jeunes en Tête

“We have had the privilege of working with Eclipse since 2015. The ease of use of the platform for auctions, the auctioning of items one week before the event take place and the ease of payment the same evening for the winners, ensure that we do not regret this digital shift.
We also appreciate the platform for registering our guests during our benefit evenings. Their precious complicity in each of the stages of setting up our auctions and welcoming our guests deserves to be highlighted.
Expertise, availability and responsiveness are the qualities that make Eclipse a partner of choice.”

Chantal Raymond, Director of Fundraising, Fondation Jeunes en Tête
Catherine Laramée, Directrice principale, Services philanthropiques, Fondation YMCA

“Over the years, Eclipse has supported us in several fundraising activities, both virtual and Live events, from the launch of the auction, until its conclusion on the day of the event.
Each time, their personalized service, impeccable and adapted to the reality of our auctions, has made a real difference in the success of our campaigns. Their professionalism, their flexibility and their wise advice contribute to the achievement of our fundraising objectives.
We are very satisfied with the Eclipse auction platform and the customer service offered by their team.”

Catherine Laramée, Senior Director, Philanthropic Services, YMCA Foundation
Jean-Pierre Primiani, Directeur du développement, Opéra de Montréal

“Thanks again for the great evening yesterday!
It's great to work with the Eclipse team for our event. Upstream, everything is simple and effective. And on D-Day, it's very reassuring to know that we have support. It runs really well.
Both the auction and the public vote went very smooth, thank you!”

Jean-Pierre Primiani, Director of Development, Opéra de Montréal
Émilie St-Germain, Directrice des événements et activités de financement Fondation du CHU de Québec

“The CHUQ Foundation team is very please to collaborate with Eclipse since several years.
All the proposed auction formulas were used: turnkey solutions at many live events, virtual events and online auction only.
Thank you for your impeccable service, valuable advice, and constant support. You care deeply about the success of our events and do everything possible so we can achieve our goals!”

Émilie St-Germain, Fundraising and events Director, Fondation du CHU de Québec

Here are some clients :

An Eclipse professional is always available to discuss the integration of our auction platform for your next fundraising event.