Interactive voting system

Online Voting and Joystick Voting Service

You need a reliable and efficient tool to carry out an online or remote voting? Eclipse has developed an expertise in electronic and remote voting. Whatever the type of event, we have the service you need:

  • Annual General Meeting AGM
  • Conventions and conferences
  • Training
  • Contest and electronic survey
  • Elections
  • Strategic planning
  • Interactive quiz

Voting tools to mobilize your participants

Why use a voting tool for your events? Because it is a simple and effective way to engage your participants, for both virtual and face-to-face events.

Contact a member of our team to see which technology is most appropriate for your needs. Whether you want to vote using a smartphone, tablet, computer or joystick (televoting), there are several options to achieve your goals.

Online Voting

With our Scrutineering technology platform, custom designed by Eclipse, we can offer several possibilities to all our clients.

Our tool is versatile to provide the service you are looking for. If you need to conduct a formal vote, for example in the case of an election, we will put in place stricter procedures. Each participant will receive a secure ID before accessing the ballot. These can be distributed by automated email with a login hyperlink or in person at an attended event. This will make it impossible to vote multiple times on the same question.

If the objective is more playful, there are ways to establish simplified access.

Possibilities for online voting

Participants can vote with their cell phone, tablet or computer

Results can be instantly broadcast as needed on a screen or webcast

Real-time display with countdown and music

Possibility of open questions with textual answers

Possibility to ask questions to the speaker or the organization

Complete reports tailored to the event

Allocation of voting weights for each participant as needed

Available from anywhere, live or within a set period

Voting with joysticks

Our voting system with joysticks and the personalized service that accompanies it have ensured our reputation for many years with professional orders, corporations and government and union organizations.

The voting system allows participants to answer questions that are displayed on the screen during a presentation. The results can be broadcasted instantly.

The keypads don't need Wi-Fi and there is no interference with existing networks.

Online voting

The advantages of using a clicker

Ease of voting at the push of a button (no procedure)

Accessible to all participants

No need for cellular network or internet

Ultra fast transmission, if speed is important for quizzes

Voting can be anonymous or attributed to each participant

Complete reports tailored to the event

Voting at an AGM, voting at a meeting, an election, an interactive survey... Each situation is unique, which is why we work with you to find the right solution for your needs.

Contact an Eclipse professional to see a demonstration and discuss our system integration at your next event.

If you would like to take advantage of our MyCause online auction service instead, visit the MyCause section of the site.

Vous pouvez aussi découvrir les spécifications techniques de notre système de vote en ligne.